Wild Wild West 2019

It was a day that the past would have looked liked if the future had happened sooner.

On the 9th of March, Alter Egos Events took festival goers back to to 1885 – a time when men were manly and women were deadly. Where the petrol price didn’t matter and disputes were settled by standoffs at dawn. Where the banks were robbed weekly and the heroes wore stetsons.
Steam powered machinery versus advanced technology.
Mechanics became art and science fiction became fashion.

We lived without limits.

La Vue Guest Lodge was transformed into a Old West village, complete with the Last Chance Saloon, marauding indians and the righteous sheriff.
Old dogs learnt new tricks, and the young whippersnappers were given free rein to run riot.

Activities from cowboy games to blackjack in the saloon for the adults ran all day, with amazing wild west equine displays from Captain Cape Bronco and the SA Lipizzaners kept audiences enthralled.
Highlights of the  day included the Cowboys Don’t Cry Challenge, proudly introduced by Snorting Boar – and there were plenty of tears as contestants ate plate upon plate of Carolina Reaper infused wings!
A choreographed bar fight and a sneaky bank robber being shot off the roof caused great excitement and added a movie-set feel to the day.

Wild Wild West 2019 in Pictures

9 March 2019 | La Vue Lodge, Muldersdrift

A Jump to the Left 2019

Our noble mission is complete our most beautiful guests, and we have returned to the Moon drenched shores of our beloved planet.
… Sweet Transsexual, Land of Night, to sing and dance once more to the dark refrain.

Frank n Furters, Magentas, Columbias, Riff Raffs and Transylvanians descended on Rusty Hook and took a strange journey alongside our cast and crew as we stepped back in time to 1976 and did the Time Warp again….and again and again……

Everyone embraced the cult-classic, dressing up as their favourite character, the buzz and excitement palpable as they got ready for a night where wearing one’s underwear and throwing food in public is perfectly acceptable and encouraged.

Participation packs included all the necessary props and callbacks to ensure a fully immersive experience, and the fun of the night was fully embraced by the audience. Tables were danced on, rice and toast were thrown, happy birthday was sung and we even got a little wet.

….and crawling on the planet’s face, so insects called the human race….lost in time and lost in space….took selfies, dances their fishnets off, and sang along, paying true homage to the classic film that means so very much to so very many of us!


To find out more about Alter Egos immersive and interactive events follow us on Facebook!


A Jump to the Left 2019 in Pictures

9 Feb | Rusty Hook, Honeydew

Medieval Fayre 2018

We partied like it was 1398!
La Vue Guest Lodge in Muldersdrift set the scene for some Medieval magic, as festival goers of all ages embarked on a trip back in time.
A time where gallant knights battled for the hands of fair maidens, dragons roamed freely, warriors fought for the highest honours and peasants and royalty mingled among the market space.

We avoided the black plague and muddy conditions and instead enjoyed the festivities under a beautiful South African  spring sky.
With the sound of hoof beats (both of the coconut and real variety) ringing through the air, we danced, we sang, we quizzed, we quested.

Mead, ale, turkey legs and meat on the bone were the staples of the day, with magickal potions adding an extra kick.
Arrows were shot, tomatoes were thrown and insults were hurled – but all in good fun, embracing the madness of the day.

The 7th Annual Medieval Fayre was a joyous occasion. A celebration of history, rivalry, friendships and ‘the good ole days’.

To see photos from this event click here:

Medieval Fayre 2018 in Pictures

1 September | La Vue Guest Lodge, Muldersdrift

Greased Lightning!

It was hydromatic…..it was systematic……it was GREASED LIGHTING!
If alternative experiences is what you want, it certainly is what you get at the Alter Egos Interactive Movie Nights.
On the 4th August 2018, The Rusty Hook was transformed into Frosty’s Diner, complete with milkshakes, burgers and popcorn.

Greasers on every corner, white socks and leather jackets. Poodle skirts and curlers, we went back to the 50’s to sing along and dance to some proper old-school classics.

A first of its kind in South Africa, this unique movie experience saw all the guests receiving a participation pack, which included bandanas, cling-wrap, matchbox cars and combs, to name just a few.

With performers imitating the well known and well loved characters, guests were transported into the movie screen to do the handjive and have some Summer Lovin!

Be sure to follow the Alter Egos Facebook Page for all information on upcoming alternative experiences!

Greased Lightning! 2018 in Pictures

4 August | Rusty Hook, Honeydew

Fantasy Fayre 2018 – The Bestiary

Unicorns, dragons and all magical beasts; Mermaids, griffins and werewolves come feast
At our annual Fantasy Fayre, especially for all that have feathers and fur and claws galore!

Joburg was treated to a rare day full of imagination at La Vue Guest Lodge in Muldersdrift on Saturday 2nd June 2018.
The venue was transformed into The Bestiary for Fantasy Fayre, where all manner of faeries, beasties and characters roamed freely and experienced a fantasy themed market, fancy dress competitions, quests for loot and more.


Elves, fauns and unicorns were abundant, with famous characters such as Little Red Riding Hood and her wolves wandering among the crowd. A rare sighting of the Goat-a-Tron thrilled audiences, along with The Praying Mantis who also walked away with the coveted award of Best Dressed Beastie on the day.

Activity stalls featured options to Fight a real Knight with the Juggerknights (fresh from their international visit to Scone Palace in Scotland where they fought in the IMCF world champs), archery with ShaTranj Archery; calisthenics and beastly capoeira moves with The Colosseum and Gladiator athletes – and unicorn rides for little princes and princesses with Chikara Stables.
Feathers & Scales introduced enquiring minds into the lives of owls and snakes and forging was on display by Cross Forge.

Another superbly unique day from the team at Alter Egos – Meryl Rosenberg and Dayle Mallinson. Offering alternative experiences, the second annual Jhb Fantasy Fayre was certainly one for the (story) books.

For more information on the alternative experiences offered by Alter Egos, follow their Facebook Page

Fantasy Fayre 2018 : The Bestiary in Pictures

2 June | La Vue Guest Lodge, Muldersdrift

Discworld Day 2018 – Interesting Times

On the 28th of April 2018, La Vue Lodge in Mulderdrift became a little flatter underfoot as the Alter Egos team transformed the venue into Sir Terry Pratchett’s Discworld.

Celebrated on Sir Terry’s birthday – witches, wizards, the undead (and the aten’t dead) all made magical appearances amongst some well loved Pratchett characters.


The day started off with young (and old) adventurers seeking their fortune in The Ankh-Morpork Adventure, which saw them signing up for The Watch with Captain Carrot and Colon, discussing life’s simple pleasures with Cohen the Barbarian and exploring the streets of Ankh-Morpork, haggling with cunning artificers and taking in their wares. If they behaved correctly, Foul Ole Ron shared some of his smell, all whilst The Patrician oversaw proceedings.

The man himself, STP made himself comfy under the Sapient Pearwood tree and read some popular stories to listeners of all ages, in between the challenging task of judging the Discworld Dressup competitions.
Creativity reigned supreme, proving the choice of Best Costume to be a difficult one across all categories.

The people of The Discworld were treated to Rat-Onna-Stick; bought ‘Sausage Inna Bun’ from Cut Me Own Throat Dibbler, and drank Lancre Scumble with the mead merchants.

In the Mended Drum Quiz, wits were tested, skills were tried.
To add to the joviality of the day, Nanny Ogg, with her sister-witches Magrat and Granny Weatherwax looking on in disapproval, serenaded those in the Mended Drum with rambunctious renditions of a Wizard has a Staff and The HedgeHog song. If the singing was not for you, you could battle a Feegle!

And the day ended as a proper birthday party should, with a beautiful birthday cake giveaway and all the loot being distributed.

It was a celebration worthy of a legend, and Sir Terry Pratchett’s legend lived on in all of us. His spirit could be felt, especially as we were left with his famous words….

“No-one is actually dead until the ripples they caused in the world die away”
~ STP (Reaper Man)

Discworld Day 2018 : Interesting Times in Pictures

28 April | La Vue Guest Lodge, Muldersdrift

A Viking Thing 2018

La Vue Guest Lodge in Mulderdrift became a Viking village on the 3rd of March 2018.

We came, we saw, we pillaged.

Vikings of all ages dressed up and enjoyed a beautiful South African summer’s day experiencing old Viking traditions (and some new ones). From tug-of-war to Kubb to a Viking quiz, fancy dress competitions and deciding the most majestic Viking beard – guests were treated to a market full of Viking themed crafts and goodies.

The ale and mead flowed freely, turkey legs and massive eisbeins kept raiders nourished for their Viking Quest.
The Dahogrian Empire entertained with battles throughout the day, whilst Trad -Music of the Isles set the scene with their idyllic and authentic tunes.

All in aid of sending the Medieval Fight Club and the Juggerknights to Scotland in May, to represent South Africa in the Full Contact Medieval Combat World Championships, the Alter Egos team (with the help of very generous sponsors and the enthusiastic public) raised just short of R50 000.00 to send our team overseas.

Due to the overwhelming response to this event, A Viking Thing will become a biennial adventure and we look forward to pillaging with you again!

To be kept in the loop about all the exciting Alter Egos events still to come, make sure you follow our Facebook page!

A Viking Thing 2018 in Pictures

3 March 2018 | La Vue Lodge, Muldersdrift

A Jump to the Left 2018

On the 10th of February 2018, Alter Egos took its guests on a strange journey.

A trip back in time, to the days of old late night double feature movie screenings on the a big screen, the smell of popcorn a shadowcast performing the show – The Rocky Horror Picture Show was brought to life.

With the Alter Egos team even managing to rustle up the iconic thunderstorm to set the mood, guests took to their seats to explore their participation packs, learn the lines and experience Dr Frank-n-Furter and his minions like they have never experienced them before. Everyone embraced the cult-classic, dressing up as their favourite character, excited for a night where wearing one’s underwear and throwing food in public is perfectly acceptable and encouraged.

We did the Time Warp (several times), we called Brad an asshole, we watched Rocky come to life, we sang to every-single-song and we danced to the moon’s dark refrain.

A resounding success and  a night out, they were going to remember for a very long time.

To find out more about AlterEgos events, and our magical movie nights, follow us on Facebook! 

A Jump to the Left 2018 in Pictures

10 Feb | Rusty Hook, Honeydew

Discworld Day 2017 – The Turtle Moves

“Ankh-Morpork! Pearl of cities! This is not a completely accurate description, of course — it was not round and shiny — but even its worst enemies would agree that if you had to liken Ankh-Morpork to anything, then it might as well be a piece of rubbish covered with the diseased secretions of a dying mollusc.”

As The Moors Castle turned into The Discworld, all the fans of the incredible Sir Terry Pratchett converged on the venue and we welcomed by the site of their favourite Pratchett character. From the Luggage, to Rincewind and the lovable Twoflower, no detail was left out. Visitors could join The Watch, go on an epic adventure through Pratchett’s world, partake in the fancy dress competition and enjoy Rat-Onna-Stick and Scumble.

Discworld Day 2017 in Pictures

4 Nov | The Moors Castle, Muldersdrift

Medieval Fayre 2017

The 6th Annual Magical Medieval Fayre returned to the grounds at Inanda Country Base in Kyalami on 2 September to take Johannesburg back in time.

Visitors were greeted by performers, riders, noble steeds and gallant knights. Those fortunate enough to be Royals for the day engaged in a royal banquet, whilst the nobles and commoners snacked on giant turkey legs. Adventures, games, activities and sites were bountiful.

A mass sunset battle of mounted fighters and those on foot drew the crowds as the sun started to set.

A massive medieval market allowed those who wished to shop to their hearts’ content. Trinkets and treasures unlike those seen before were plentiful.

Medieval Fayre 2017 in Pictures

2 September 2017 | Inanda Country Base, Kyalami