
Our noble mission is complete our most beautiful guests, and we have returned to the Moon drenched shores of our beloved planet.
… Sweet Transsexual, Land of Night, to sing and dance once more to the dark refrain.

Frank n Furters, Magentas, Columbias, Riff Raffs and Transylvanians descended on Rusty Hook and took a strange journey alongside our cast and crew as we stepped back in time to 1976 and did the Time Warp again….and again and again……

Everyone embraced the cult-classic, dressing up as their favourite character, the buzz and excitement palpable as they got ready for a night where wearing one’s underwear and throwing food in public is perfectly acceptable and encouraged.

Participation packs included all the necessary props and callbacks to ensure a fully immersive experience, and the fun of the night was fully embraced by the audience. Tables were danced on, rice and toast were thrown, happy birthday was sung and we even got a little wet.

….and crawling on the planet’s face, so insects called the human race….lost in time and lost in space….took selfies, dances their fishnets off, and sang along, paying true homage to the classic film that means so very much to so very many of us!


To find out more about Alter Egos immersive and interactive events follow us on Facebook!


A Jump to the Left 2019 in Pictures

9 Feb | Rusty Hook, Honeydew